Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I have decided to do a major over-hauling of my site  Originally, QuispQuake was just created to be a vanity site, where I could post vacation pictures and all, (and there will still be a 'personal' area where I'll keep that kinda thing) but I have had a major itch to turn the site into a music & vinyl record collecting site.

I have always been a major music hound, and for years worked in indy record stores & radio stations.  And although music is not now how I make my living (computers), I still have a real love for it, and a love for wheeling and dealing in vinyl records.  So, since I am ALWAYS hunting for records (and I find a lot that may not be my personal cup of tea, but I know is a nice piece), a year or so ago, I made the decision to start doing vinyl record shows up here in Maine.  It's really taken off, and my little hobby is now going pretty crazy...(I've already got two shows schedule by May!). 

What excites me about record dealing & collecting?  Finding that incredibly rare piece of course, but even more so, meeting fellow music nuts and talking about our mutual music passion.  So, when figuring what to do with, I decided to make it a place for music 'fans' (with myself being a HUGE fan!) to share and talk about music...two things I LOVE to do.  For the talking, I figured start easy with this blog sort of integrated with the site where people can leave comments and suggestions, and if discussion takes off like I hope, perhaps I'll integrate a forum in the future.

As for the sharing, I have two ideas.  First, I like to record digitally much of the odd and rare vinyl I get, so I'll be posting the music files for your downloading pleasure.  Sharing music (or 'sharity') is a nice way for folks to hear limited run or rare music (spreading the wealth).  I have a few odd pieces up, so go to, and click on the "Download Audio" option on the toolbar, and it will bring you to the sharity page.  I plan on expanding this pretty quickly.

The other idea, is to have friends post mix shows on the site (once again for your downloading pleasure).  I have friends with music tastes all over the place, and hope to have QuispQuake as a central repository for many music shows in the future.  I have done many shows in the past, and will start off by linking to some of my better ones, but I hope to have new ones up soon by myself and friends.

Thanks for checking out the blog!  Hopefully this will work out to be something cool that people like!!!

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