Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Record show as Art Statement???

PERHAPS, I am getting a bit too obsessed over the record show thing.  For the past couple of weeks, I've been cleaning, labelling, and organizing HUNDREDS of records that I've gotten over the past few months to sell at the record shows.  Now that the 'getting the records ready' step is done, I'm finding a BUNCH of new things to do in preparation for the shows, such as getting new dividers and creating custom stickers, business cards, and I think I'll even be creating 'art' for the front of the record boxes.  When I did the record show thang a few years ago, I tried to add a certain 'presentation' to my shows, and I find myself wanting/needing to do that again.  Keeps me off the streets I guess :)

I'm also working hard to beat my website http://www.quispquake.info/ into shape.  This blog is kind of an 'offshoot' of the regular site.  I just posted a few 45's that I have ripped recently, and plan on posting lots more rips over the next couple of months.  I've also talked to a couple of friends, and hope to have some cool audio mix shows for your downloading pleasure. 

The reason I want the site & blog to be decent, is that I've decided to really push it with the record shows...I'll have the website on all my price stickers, and would love to get a community of vinyl record hounds talking back & forth.  We'll see :)

1 comment:

du proserpio said...

Yunno I'm behind you there!! Love seeing your setup at the shows. Hope to see you at Portland this weekend...
